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South #InNetwork with Europe. Sustainable mobility restarts from here

  • Interventi del PON-IR


The strategy of the OP Infrastructures and Networks 2014/2020 pursues the objective of promoting sustainable transport systems and eliminating bottlenecks in the main network infrastructures

Categories of interventions

Regulation (EU) 215/2014 defines the categories of intervention of the OP Infrastructures and Networks 2014/2020.

Railway Network

024 - 025  (TEN-T Core; TEN-T comprehensive)

Railway network

Ports and multimodality

035 - 039 (Multimodal transport; Seaports)

Ports and multimodality


044 - Intelligent Transport System


Major Projects

Major Projects are large-scale infrastructure projects in transport, environment and other sectors such as research, energy or ICT. 

Major projects